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Clara Citron (III)


Clara Citron


Born in 1989, Clara Citron lives and works in Paris.
It's impossible to discern how much of Clara Citron's work is based on her own reality, how much on autobiography, and this is certainly not the point. It would be a mistake to read her engravings and drawings as the diary of a talented young woman. The intimacy summoned here is multiple and universal. Of course, the narrative thread and the relationship to text are at the heart of Clara Citron's work, as she reinvents a hybrid form of writing, mixing words with signs. But if the artist's personality is present in what she writes, her questioning is plural, invoking in turn femininity, sexuality, the oddities and frenzies of our contemporary world, childhood and the mutations caused by the transitions between these different states. 


Who do u think u r, 2023
Pastel and pencil on paper
0riginal piece